Blog posts of '2014' 'February'

Steps to hide admin menu items in nopCommerce 3.2 based on roles

Written by Lavish Kumar

written by Lavish Kumar

Many times, I have seen users asking same question in regard to nopCommerce "How to hide menu item based on roles". Since nopCommerce offers a great feature called "Access control list", it does makes sense that an administrator of any website would like to show or hide some pages or menu item to give limit access to other users who are maintaining the site or have access to the admin section.

Today, I am going to show how to accomplish this and I hope it helps nopCommerce users who are looking for a solution to this problem / question.

Striving Programmers Community site has been updated! More new articles and tutorials will be coming soon

Written by Lavish Kumar

written by Lavish Kumar

I know I have not been active on the site lately. I apologize to all the community users / members for not answering your questions or for not providing you the solution on time. I have been very busy with projects and updating this site to bring a lot of improvements and bug fixes.

Striving Programmers Community site has been updated with many design enhancements.

I will be active on the site, answering as many questions as I can, posting more new articles and tutorials.

A lot more interesting stuff will be coming on the site - Stay Tuned !!!
How to search records in a gridview without using stored procedures or SQL scripts

Written by Lavish Kumar

written by Lavish Kumar

A great way to search records on client-side without getting using stored procedures or SQL script just by using  jQuery and css stylesheets.

Usually, many developers make use of stored procedures or SQL scripts to perform search which is kind of a common approach. It includes number of steps such as: writing a long stored procedure, placing a text box on your page that will enable a user to type a search term, execute the stored procedure on the search button click and passing the types parameter to the stored procedure and the results are displayed.