Blog posts tagged with 'access control list'

How to disable wishlist in nopCommerce

Written by Lavish Kumar

written by Lavish Kumar

Every online store is different and offers a different set of featues to its customers depending on the type of business, product, service(s), industry and customer's interest. nopCommerce offers a wealth of features that any store owner may need in order to run his / her e-Commerce business. One of these features includes wishlist.

What if you are not interested in offering this feature to your customers? What if you want to disable wishlist of your nopCommerce store site? Well, there is a way to accomplish this right from the administration section.

Access Control List (ACL) for topics in nopCommerce

Written by Lavish Kumar

written by Lavish Kumar

Recently, mopCommerce development team released 3.70 version that offers a ton of new features and improvements. One of the highlight feature in 3.70 is support for access control list (ACL) in topic pages. Many nopCommerce used have been requesting this feature and finally it has been added to the official release. 

This option will help store owners to give restricted access to different topic pages based on the user roles. Hence, it is a great feature in regard to security of the store store and keeping the private pages hidden from the public.

Today, we will go over this new feature of access control list (ACL) for topics.