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nopCommerce Theme Installation Process
When you download a theme from
Extract the contents of your zip file and copy it under "Themes" folder like shown in the figure below:
Go to the admin section (
Go to Configuration > Settings > General And Miscellaneous settings
Select new theme "Striving XXXX" and click Save.
Now, go to public store. You should be able to see the new theme on your website.
Product Registration Plugin Installation Process
Extact the plugin folder from the zip file
1) Upload the plugin to the /plugins folder in your nopCommerce directory
2) Restart your application (or click Reload list of plugins button)
3) Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed plugin (or simply select "Striving Programmers" in "Group" drop down menu)
4) Click on the Install link to install the plugin
5) After the installation, select your plugin again from the list and click on "Edit" button and CHECK "Is enabled" checkbox
6) Click on "Configure" button for using the plugin / configuration
Configuration Settings "Model number": this option allows your customers to save model number during product registration (you do have the option to make it a required field, simply enable the option "Is Required")
Configuration Settings "Serial number": this option allows your customers to save serial number during product registration (you do have the option to make it a required field, simply enable the option "Is Required")
Configuration Settings "Place of purchase": this option allows your customers to save place of purchase during product registration (you do have the option to make it a required field, simply enable the option "Is Required")
Configuration Settings "Product nickname": this option allows your customers to save product nickname (that can be any name that your customer choose to call his / her product - like My Laptop, My Work Desktop etc) during product registration (you do have the option to make it a required field, simply enable the option "Is Required")
Configuration Settings "Date of purchase": this option allows your customers to save date of purchase (a calendar) during product registration (you do have the option to make it a required field, simply enable the option "Is Required")
Some other features:
Product Dropdown List: The product dropdown list will display all the "Simple - Product Type" products that are marked as "Published" from your store's database
Admin Edit / Delete: Sometimes customers may request store admin to make changes in their registered products. To make it eaiser for the store admin, we have added the option of "Edit" and "Delete" that allows store admin to edit any registered product to make requested changed or delete any registered product anytime
Product Registration Link: When you install the "Product Registration" Plugin on your nopCommerce store site and enable the plugin, by default the "Product Registration" LINK for the customer will show up in "My Account" area in left column side bar
Search Feature: A search option has been added for customers as well as store admin to search any registered product anytime. The search is not limited and your customers (or store admin) can search by any column that are active / enabled in registered products grid
Question: How can I filter / sort the registered product?
Answer: For all customers on the public store, their registered products will ALWAYS show up in the grid sorted by "Date of purchase" (by default). At any given time, customers can sort the product in the registered products gri by clicking on the COLUMN TITLE. Store admin can do the sorting / filter of registered prooducts in a similar manner by clicking on the COLUMN TITILE. The only difference in administrator's grid for registered products is that by default, the grid will ALWAYS show the products sorted by "Last Update time stamp".
Question: How the product registration process works?
Answer: When you install the "Product Registration" Plugin on your nopCommerce store site and enable the plugin, customers will be able to register their products in "My Account" section and store admin can view or edit those products in the administration area (in Product Registration Configure area). There is NO approval step involved because that can add a lot of manual work for the admin to manage all the registered products.
Question: What if I want to change the position of "Product Registration" link in customer's account area?
Answer: As of now, the product registration plugin only support ONE location and that CANNOT be changed from the configuration options of the plugin. But, there is a workaround - Currently, the "Product Registration" link in my account section is using the HTML widget zone "account_navigation_before" that you can find in "Nop.Web / Views / Customer / CustomerNavigation.cshtml". If you would like to reposition the "Product Registration link" (for example at the bottom instead of top), simple take the HTML widget zone code for "account_navigation_before" and move it to the bottom in the CustomerNavigation.cshtml view
Full Featured Blog Manager Plugin Installation Process
Extact the plugin folder from the zip file
1) Upload the plugin to the /plugins folder in your nopCommerce directory
2) Restart your application (or click Reload list of plugins button)
3) Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed plugin (or simply select "Striving Programmers" in "Group" drop down menu)
4) Click on the Install link to install the plugin
5) After the installation, select your plugin again from the list and click on "Edit" button and CHECK "Is enabled" checkbox
6) Click on "Configure" button for using the plugin / configuration
Display "About Author"? (on BlogPost Page): this option allows you to display author bio on blog post page
Display "Author Name"? (on BlogList Page): this option allows you to display author name on blog list page
Display "Blog Post Picture"? (on BlogPost Page): this option allows you to display blog post image on blog post page
Display "Blog Post List Picture"? (on BlogList Page): this option allows you to display blog post image on blog list page
Display "Related Blog"? (on BlogPost Page): this option allows you to display related blog posts titles / links (max of 5) on a blog post page
Display "Most Commented Blog"? (on BlogList Page): this option allows you to display most commented blogs titles / links (max of 5)
Save image in file system (unchecked means database): this option determines where you would like to save your blog post images (file system or database) - uncheck means database
Question: How can I display author information on my existing blog posts?
Answer: Login as administrator / account that you would like to use as author. You will have to open each blog post (in edit mode) in the administration area and simply save it. As soon as you save the blog post, the author information will start appearing on the public store site (in blog section).
Question: How can I upload image to my existing blog posts?
Answer: Login as administrator and open each blog post (in edit mode) in the administration area, click on "Save & Continue" then click on the button "Upload Image" to upload your your blog post image. As soon as you save the image, it will start appearing on the public store site (in blog section).
Question: Where are my blog post images being saved if I have this option selected or checked "Save image in file system" in display settings?
Answer: \Nop.Web\Content\Images\SPFullFeaturedBlogManager
Smart HTML Widget Plugin Installation Process
Extact the plugin folder from the zip file
1) Upload the plugin to the /plugins folder in your nopCommerce directory
2) Restart your application (or click Reload list of plugins button)
3) Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed plugin (or simply select "Striving Programmers" in "Group" drop down menu)
4) Click on the Install link to install the plugin
5) After the installation, select your plugin again from the list and click on "Edit" button and CHECK "Is enabled" checkbox
6) Click on "Configure" button for using the plugin / configuration
Saved Content List (Tab): this option display all the saved HTML content
Add New (Tab): this option allows you to add new HTML content to a widget zone
MVCForum Theme Installation Process
Extract the contents of your zip file and paste it under "Themes" folder (on your root directory)
Go to the admin section (
Go to: Main Settings > Theme
Select your new theme from the drop down menu and click on "SAVE SETTINGS"
You just need to restart your app (Touch the web.config to recycle the appPool) and then choose your new theme in the 'Configuration' section in the admin.