How to add description in featured categories on homepage in nopCommerce

nopCommerce offers a very simple way of adding features categories to the homepage. This allow store admins to showcase latest product categories that online shoppers might find interesting. By default, a category title and image is displayed on homepage.

Today, we will go over the process of adding description in featured categories on homepage in nopCommerce.

In your code, go to: Views / Catalog / HomepageCategories.cshtml

nopcommerce featured categories

Open the file "HomepageCategories.cshtml" and look for this code:

<div class="picture">
                           <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { SeName = item.SeName })" title="@item.PictureModel.Title">
                               <img alt="@item.PictureModel.AlternateText" src="@item.PictureModel.ImageUrl" title="@item.PictureModel.Title" />

Now, add the code for category description like this:

<div class="picture">
                           <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { SeName = item.SeName })" title="@item.PictureModel.Title">
                               <br />
                               <div class="category-description">
                               <img alt="@item.PictureModel.AlternateText" src="@item.PictureModel.ImageUrl" title="@item.PictureModel.Title" />

You can use CSS (with a custom class) to style the description if that's what your requirement it. Make sure the description is "not" blank for the featured categories in the administration section. By adding the description code, the output should look like this:

nopcommerce featured categories

A copy of this article is also available on Arvixe Blog.

About Author

Written By Lavish Kumar

Based out of New York, USA, Lavish Kumar is a full stack web developer by profession and founder of Striving Programmers, a trusted community for developers that offers a wealth of articles and forums to assist individuals with improving their software development skills.

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