How to display more than 3 products per row in nopCommerce

The "Default Clean" theme in nopCommerce only support 3 products per row out of the box. There are times when store owners would like to increase this number and display more  than 3 products per row. What's the benefit in doing this? Well, if you have a lot of products in the categories, it means less scrolling for your customers as you will be displaying as much products on the screen.

So, if you are one of those who would like to display more than 3 products per row in nopCommerce categories then this tutorial is for you.

As, we are talking about products per row that means we need to look into the "item grid".

Let's open the "styles.css" of Default Clean theme:

nopcommerce item grid

Look for this code in your stylesheet:

.item-box {
    width: 32.33333%;
    margin: 0 0.5% 50px;

32.33% is representing the width for each product item-grid. So, if you reduce this, basically you will be creating space for the 4th product item-grid box.

Let's us update ".item-box" class with this width:

.item-box {
    width: 23.33333%;
    margin: 0 0.5% 50px;

Right below the ".item-box" class, you will find this:

.item-box:nth-child(2n+1) {
    clear: none;
.item-box:nth-child(3n+1) {
    clear: both;

This is where you define how many product item-grid boxes you will trying to fit in the space. You must be wondering, what is "nth-child"? It is a CSS pseudo-selector and it basically select every nth list item. In order to add 4th product box, we will add/update our CSS code like this:

.item-box:nth-child(2n+1) {
  clear: none;
.item-box:nth-child(3n+1) {
  clear: none;
.item-box:nth-child(4n+1) {
  clear: both;

So, your updated CSS code should look like this:

.item-box {
  width: 23.33333%;
  margin: 0 0.5% 50px;
.item-box:nth-child(2n+1) {
  clear: none;
.item-box:nth-child(3n+1) {
  clear: none;
.item-box:nth-child(4n+1) {
  clear: both;

Save your updated "styles.css" and see the results on the public store like this:

nopcommerce item grid

Note: This change will affect your sub-category products too so make sure to test your pages before making these changes in production.

About Author

Written By Lavish Kumar

Based out of New York, USA, Lavish Kumar is a full stack web developer by profession and founder of Striving Programmers, a trusted community for developers that offers a wealth of articles and forums to assist individuals with improving their software development skills.

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