How to force WWW prefix on your nopCommerce store site

Majority of the internet users are aware of the fact that many websites can be access by typing the url (or domain name) "with" or "without" the WWW prefix. It means that, if you go to Google site, you can either type "" or you can type "".

An interesting thing that you should notice in the URL while visiting any website is that, majority of websites changes the URL and add "WWW" prefix automatically even if you do not type it initially.

Now, the question is, why do we need to force the WWW prefix on your website domain name? The answer is quite simple; to avoid duplicate content on search engines.

It is always a good practice to keep consistency when it comes to SEO and forcing WWW prefix avoids search engine to index 2 different version of your website "with" and "without" WWW prefix.

Today we will go over the process of forcing WWW prefix on your nopCommerce store site.

Go to: Administration > Configuration > Settings > General and Miscellaneous Settings

Now select the tab: "SEO Settings"

force WWW prefix

If you scroll down, you will see an option -
WWW prefix requirement: 

force WWW prefix

You will see 3 options:
-Doesn't matter
Pages should have WWW prefix
Pages should not have WWW prefix

[SELECT] Pages should have WWW prefix

Make sure to "SAVE" the changes!

You an also redirect or add WW automatically via code or IIS settings so that if anyone goes to "non-www" site domain, the code (or IIS settings) automatically redirects it to "www" version.

About Author

Written By Lavish Kumar

Based out of New York, USA, Lavish Kumar is a full stack web developer by profession and founder of Striving Programmers, a trusted community for developers that offers a wealth of articles and forums to assist individuals with improving their software development skills.

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